Donate to the Smoke Eaters Chili Challenge
Thank you for coming by the Smoke Eaters Chili Challenge donation page. This fundraiser is completely for the Weaver Fire Departments need of new extrication equipment. This equipment upgrade will help the fire rescue men and women more quickly get victims out of badly damaged vehicles and into a medical transport.
Please consider any dollar amount to put towards this extremely important fundraiser. You can make an online donation or submit a written check. Please make checks out to the Calhoun County Blue Line Foundation and enter “Chili Challenge” in the memo section.
To make a donation on-line

Special Event Donation (Weaver Fire Department)
DonateTo make a donation by check
Make all checks payable to the Calhoun County Blue Line Foundation
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 1202
Weaver, AL 33627