Contest Rules:
- Contestants must be pre-registered (No walk-ins will be accepted)
- Registrations must be received no later than July 6
- Contestants must check in at the registration table at 2:00 pm
- Each batch of chili must be prepared in advance
- Contestants are required to bring a crock pot-style cooker large enough to hold their chili batch
- Contestants should prepare 3-5 quarts of chili
- Please bring an extension cord to ensure there is no issue with plugging in your crockpot
- All ingredients are acceptable and must be submitted, via email, to the foundation before the event. We do not need measurements. Just an ingredient list to ensure no one has allergy concerns.
- Please rate your spice level on a scale of 1-10 (10 being hottest. This is for the taster’s information only.
- Condiments for the contestant’s chili should be separated into individual bowls. (Condiments are optional.)
- Each cook will prepare one cup of chili for each judge. A runner will then deliver the cups to the judge’s table.
- Judges will not be allowed to see which cup is taken from each table before the final judgment
- Contestants are responsible for their own clean-up at their station.
- Event Staff will dispose of any items left behind after the event has ended.
- Judging will begin at 4:00 pm
- Winners will be announced once judging has ended
- Three rounds of judging will be used to determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place chili
- There will be an additional round of judging if it ends in a tie
- All judging is based solely on taste
Round 1:
- Each judge will sample the chilis submitted and rank them on a scale of 1-10 based on the above criteria
- The top 5 will move on to round 2
- A fourth judge will be brought in to taste the tied chilis in the event of a tie. That judge’s vote will determine which one advances
Round 2:
- Each judge will sample the chilis submitted and rank them on a scale of 1-10
- The top 3 will continue to the next round
- In the event of a tie the fourth judge will determine the winner
Round 3:
- Each judge will sample the chilis submitted and rank them on a scale of 1-10
- The chili with the highest score will become the 1st place winner
- In the event of a tie the fourth judge will determine the winner